Carcinoma of Vagina in Women with Utero Vaginal Prolapse: Presentation of Two Cases and the Review of Literature Journal title: Women's Health Science Journal Authors: Karunakaran KE* Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Assessment of Awareness of Risks to Prevent Uterine Prolapse among Young Married Women in Selected Villages of District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh Journal title: Nursing & Healthcare International Journal Authors: Kaur G1*, Preet K2, Kaushal N2, Kaur S3 and Kaur N4 Subject(s): Nursing
Impact of Comprehensive Care on the Recovery and Quality of Life in Patients with Uterine Prolapse after Laparoscopic Abdominal Wall Linear Suspension: A Quasi-Experimental Study Journal title: Nursing & Healthcare International Journal Authors: Wang K*, Guo S, Zhang S, Sun K and Wang K Subject(s): Nursing