Pendekatan Pencegahan Kaunselor Muslim dalam Menangani Salah Laku Pelajar Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Klang, Selangor Journal title: International Journal of Islamic Thought Authors: HALIMAH ABD HALIM , ZAINAB ISMAIL Subject(s):
Гігієнічна оцінка азбестовмісного пилу в повітрі робочої зони теплових електростанцій Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: V. Moshkovskiy Subject(s):
Contributions to the Recycling of Asbestos Cement and Plastic Waste Journal title: RECENT Authors: Silvian IONESCU Subject(s):
LEGAL ASPECTS OF WORKERS' HEALTH PROTECTION AGAINST ASBESTOS IN POLAND IN THE LIGHT OF THE EU LEGAL FRAMEWORK Journal title: Medycyna Pracy Authors: Beata Świątkowska Subject(s): Medicine, Occupational Therapy
Pseudonym Based Security Architecture for Wireless Mesh Network Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Ms. Sharvani R. Marathe , Dr. Santosh L. Deshpande Subject(s):
Usuwanie wyrobów zawierających azbest, na przykładzie miasta Opola Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: J Guziałowska-Tic Subject(s):
Αλληλεπίδραση καπνίσματος και αμίαντου στην εμφάνιση καρκίνου του πνεύμονα Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: P. GALANIS, L. SPAROS Subject(s):
AN EXTENSIVE ANALYSIS OF MANET ATTACKS USING SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Journal title: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Gomathi K. , Dr. Parvathavarthini B. Subject(s):
Object Deployment Using Data Trans-Reception in Military Applications Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Subha J , Karthikeyan R Subject(s):
CRITICAL APPRAISAL ON FORMULATIONS OF KOUSHEYASHMA (ASBESTOS) Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: Govinda Sharma , Anuradha K N, Suhas Shetty Subject(s):
Interaction of smoking and asbestos in lung cancer occurrence Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: P. GALANIS, L. SPAROS Subject(s):
SUITABILITY OF WIND POTENTIAL IN SOME AREAS OF CENTRAL MOLDAVIAN PLATEAU Journal title: Present Environment and Sustainable Development Authors: Liviu Apostol, Mihăiţă Tiron Subject(s):
The Electronic Spatial Information System – tools for the monitoring of asbestos in Poland Journal title: Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development Authors: Ewa Wilk, Małgorzata Krówczyńska, Bogdan Zagajewski Subject(s):
Asbestos manufacturing plants in Poland Journal title: Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development Authors: Ewa Wilk, Małgorzata Krówczyńska, Bogdan Zagajewski Subject(s):
Pleural mesothelioma in household members of asbestos-exposed workers in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: Flavia D'Agostin, Paola de Michieli, Corrado Negro Subject(s):