Postapokalipsa i teraźniejszość. "Starość aksolotla" Jacka Dukaja Journal title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio FF Philologiae Authors: Przemysław Kaliszuk Subject(s):
Historie alternatywne w literaturze polskiej: typologia, tematyka, funkcje / Alternate History in Polish Literature: Typology, Subject Matter, Functions Journal title: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich Authors: Magdalena Wąsowicz Subject(s): Literature, Languages and Literature
URBAN DESIGN IN DYSTOPIAN MOVIES AS SAMPLE OF URBAN EVOLITION: METROPOLIS AND MINORITY REPORT Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Özge Nilay ERBALABAN GÜRBÜZ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
The Homely Sublime in Space Science Documentary Films: Domesticating the Feeling of Homelessness in Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and its Sequel Journal title: Kultura Popularna Authors: Kornelia Boczkowska Subject(s):
ADAPTACJA CZY EGZOTYZACJA – STRATEGIE TŁUMACZENIOWE W PRZEKŁADZIE POWIEŚCI BRACI STRUGACKICH PONIEDZIAŁEK ZACZYNA SIĘ W SOBOTĘ Journal title: Acta Neophilologica Authors: Magdalena Michocka-Babiuk Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology
Newly Formed Words in the Novels of Ukrainian Science-Fiction Writers of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century Journal title: Science and Education a New Dimension Authors: N. V. Leonova Subject(s):
Every individual is collective: how can we save cinema’s future? Journal title: PAAKAT: Revista de Tecnología y Sociedad Authors: Sergio José Aguilar Alcalá Subject(s):