THE NEW CONCEPT OF THRUST VECTOR CONTROL FOR ROCKET ENGINE Journal title: Системні технології Authors: N.D. Kovalenko, U.D. Sheptun, T.A. Kovalenko, G.A. Strelnikov Subject(s):
Outlining and 3-D modelling a faulted conglomerate deposit from Oii Creek, Hășmaș Mountains, Romania Journal title: Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - seria Geologie Authors: Tony–Cristian Dumitriu, Ana–Maria Dumitriu Subject(s):
The influence of the thrust over the evolution of the thermal regime of the Vrancea Nappe source rocks (Eastern Carpathians). A 1D simulation of the Șipoteni oil structure (Romania) Journal title: Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - seria Geologie Authors: Ciprian Chelariu, Cristina Negru Subject(s):
Center-of-Gravity Position Variation due to Fuel Utilization Influence on Airplane Aerodynamic and Thrust Performance Journal title: Открытые информационные и компьютерные интегрированные технологии Authors: Руслан Юрьевич Цуканов Subject(s):
"Young platform"- traditional intelligence and reality (geodynamic aspect) Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: O.S. Stupka Subject(s):
ВЛИЯНИЕ РАСПОРА НА ШАТРОВЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ ЦЕРКВЕЙ 16 ВЕКА Journal title: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL "Web of Scholar" Authors: В. С. Ненашев, В. М. Малахов, А. В. Карабейникова, И. О. Трушачкина Subject(s):
The stress-strain state modelling of the autochthonous sedimentary complex in the dynamic influence zone of the thrust wedge Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: L.N. Khomyak, M. M. Khomiak Subject(s):
Balanced cross section of the Ukrainian Carpathians along Berehomet–Burkut Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: I.M. Bubniak, Y.M. Vikhot Subject(s):
Marmarosh massif in Ukraine and holy cross mountains in Poland – the rootless allochthonous tectonic structures Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: Yu. Z. Krupskyi, V. P. Marusyak Subject(s):
HYDRODYNAMICS OF OSCILLATING WING ON THE PITCH ANGLE Journal title: Вісник Національного Авіаційного Університету Authors: Vitalii Korobov Subject(s):
Gas flow control in a rocket engine Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: A. Yhnatev, N. Kovalenko, T. Kovalenko, G. Strelnykov, Ye. Tokareva Subject(s):
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Hydraulic Propeller Controlled by a Servo Valve for Work Class ROV Journal title: International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture Authors: Xin-fei Li, Fu-xiang Huang, Yan Guo Subject(s):
Comparison between Trapezius Squeezing Test and Jaw Thrust as Indicators for Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway in Paediatric Patients: A Single Blind Prospective Study Journal title: Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia Authors: Prajapati Ankit V. Subject(s):
Development of a structural schematic of a bifunctional system for rocket engine thrust vector control Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: G. Strelnykov, Ye. Tokareva, N. Pryadko, A. Yhnatev Subject(s):