Psychonarratology: from cognitive processes to readers’ narrative comprehension Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: M. Ahmadian| Associate Professor, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, A... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
The applications of wireless sensor networks in military environments Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: A.A. Baradaran| Department of computer science, Payame Noor University, Kashan,Islamic Republic of I... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Engendered climate change impact and response knowledge, and its implication for adaptation, vulnerability and resilienc Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: N. Assan*| Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Livestock Production, Bul... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Investigating the effect of gas flow rate and amount of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the efficacy of photocatalytic oxida Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: H.O. Kalte| Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Faculty of Medical Sciences, TarbiatModar... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Manual material handling assessment and repetitive tasks with two methods MAC and ART in a subsidiary of a manufacturer Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: S. Shokri| MSc student in Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Qazvin U... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
The comparison of software cost estimation methods using fuzzy sets theory Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: H. Nosrati Nahook| Instructor, Department of Computer Engineering, Payame Noor University, Iran. Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
The Bowtie method in safety management system: A literature review Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: S.S. Alizadeh*| Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Health Faculty, Tabriz University of... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Gravitational properties of atom Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: S. Orlov*| Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, 185001, Russian Federation. Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Genesis ofthe planet earth Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: S. Orlov*| Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, 185001, Russian Federation. Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Some factors influencing dressing percentage in goat meat production Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: N. Assan*| Associate Professor, Open University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Livestock, Zi... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
New methods of routing for the reduction of energy consumption in wireless sensor network Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: A.A. Baradaran*| Member of Department of Computer Science, Payame Noor University, Kashan, Iran., H.... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Key concepts and basic notes on narratology and narrative Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: M. Amerian| Assistant Professor, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Ar... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Magnetometry of enderbites in Gaisin block of Ukrainian shield Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: M.N. Reshetnyk*| National Science Geological Museum NASU, Kiev, Ukraine. Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Facial gender recognition, deferent approaches Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: F. Yaghmaee*| Faculty of Electerical and Computer Engineering, Semnan, Iran., R. Khammari| Faculty o... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
Case study on Innovative Scheme for Women’S empoWerment in Haryana Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences Authors: Deepali Mathur Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography