Optimization and Simulation Approach for Empty Containers Handling Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Chafik Razouk, Youssef Benadada Subject(s):
Modelling of the Articulated Vehicle Dynamics Taking into Account the Elastically Fastened Freight Journal title: Український журнал із машинобудування і матеріалознавства Authors: Ihor Kuzio, Oleksandr Zhytenko, Yurii Zalutskyi Subject(s):
Identification and Evaluation of Geosites Along Existing Tourist Trail As a Primary Step of Geotourism Development: Case Study from the Spiš Region (Slovakia) Journal title: GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Authors: ŠTRBA Ľubomír Subject(s):
ORGANISATION OF TOURIST MOVEMENT IN THE CZECH SWITZERLAND NATIONAL PARK Journal title: Folia Turistica Authors: Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk Subject(s):
Experimental research of the manoeuvrability of a three-tier modular trailer road train in the «car-towing–Dolly-axle truck with fixed axles (dolly)–three-axle semi-trailer» Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: D.М. Handzyuk, M.О. Handzyuk, V.М. Prydyuk Subject(s):
Metodology of identification parameters of models control objects of automatic trailing system Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: I.V. Zimchuk, V.I. Ishchenko, I.A. Okhrimchuk Subject(s):
A Social Semantic Web based Conceptual Architecture of Disaster Trail Management System Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ashfaq Ahmad, Roslina Othman, Mohamad Fauzan Subject(s):
Cycling Trail Network of the Poznań Metropolital Area: Prospects for Research in Physical Activity and Recreational Appeal Journal title: Studia Periegetica Authors: Jarosław Styperek, Mateusz Rogowski Subject(s):
Використання результатів одорологічного дослідження як доказів у кримінальному провадженні Journal title: Право і безпека Authors: V. O. Husieva Subject(s):
THE USE OF INFORMATION RESOURCES OF THE KNUKIM SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY FOR INFORMATION SERVICES PROVIDING Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Бібліотекознавство, бібліографознавство, книгознавство Authors: V. V. Stepko, О. О. Skachenko Subject(s):
Indiai feleség / Indian Wife Journal title: ME.dok - MÉDIA–TÖRTÉNET–KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ Authors: Róbert Árpád Lakatos Subject(s):
Evaluation 0f Auxin Producing Bacteria on the Growth of Triticum aestivum Uqab-2000 Under Axenic ConditionS
Effective Radiative Forcing – a New Approach to Assessing the Impact of Aviation on the Atmosphere Journal title: MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development Authors: Daniel Hanus, Ota Hajzler, Natalia Buldakova Subject(s):
Analysis of Transaction Costs for REDD+ Trial Payment Scheme in Kilosa District, Tanzania Journal title: Journal of Environmental and Social Sciences Authors: Beatus John Temu Subject(s):
Evaluation of the geotourism potential of selected geological sites in the eastern part of the borderland between the Siedlce Upland and Łuków Plain Journal title: Geotourism Authors: Anna Orłowska Subject(s): Geology, Tourism