Assessment of Osteoporosis Knowledge among Female Medical Interns And Students at Tabuk University Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Wejdan Abdulrahman Alqarni, Ashwaq Ali Absalem, Nadiyah Abdullah Almountashiri, Afrah Dhaifallah Ala... Subject(s):
Assessment of the Level of Awareness and Knowledge of Interventional Radiology among Medical Students And Medical Interns at Tabuk University Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Amnah Abdullah Alanzi, Waad Saud Albalawi Subject(s):
Compliance and Hygiene Behavior Among Females Soft Contact Lens Wearers in Tabuk City, 2018 Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Norah Dhafer Alshehri, Seham Saleh Aljohani, Amani Abdullah Albalawi, Seham Yahya Alzahrani, Ahmed N... Subject(s):
Incidence and Risk Factors for Retinopathy of Prematurity in Premature Born Children in Tabuk City Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Nada Saleh Albalawi, Nada Awad Alsuhaimi, Amani Abdullah Albalawi, Amani SalemAlatawi, Hani Bashir A... Subject(s):
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Regarding Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Cause, Risk Factor, Prevention and Management Among Nondiabetic (Non DM) Female in Tabuk City, Saudi Arabia (KSA) Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Wafa Hammad Albalawi, Reem Eid Alhawiti, Afrah Dhaifallah Alanazi, Bayan Ibrahim Alaradi, Maram Atal... Subject(s):
Frequency, Type and Burden of Headache among Medical Students of Tabuk University in Tabuk City Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Farah Saleh Aljoufi, Elaf Ibrahim Alanazi, Hasna Saleh Albalawi, Hadeel Mahmmoud Alomrani Subject(s):
Awareness and Perception of the Specialty of Family Medicine Among Tabuk City Population Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Norah Abdulrahman Alfuraydi, Sumayah abdulrahman alzhrani, Rawan Ali Albalawi, Ebtesam Saleem Alataw... Subject(s):
Relationship between Asthma and Obesity in Pediatric Age from Four Years to Four Teen Years in Tabuk City Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Nada Awad Al Suhaimi, Amani Abdullah Albalawi, Nada Saleh Al-Balawi, Amani Salem Al-Atawi, Hamad Ibr... Subject(s):
Prevalence of Breast Cancer Risk Factors Among Female Nurses in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Najlaa Samran Almutairi, Ali Ebrahim Ali Nooli, Abdulelah Ali Hamed Alqahtani, Saad Abdullah Mohamme... Subject(s):
Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness of Diabetic Patients About Diabetes and It's Medical and Surgical Complications in Tabouk, Saudi Arabia Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Mubarak Mohammed Theeb Alsaeed, Wejdan Abdullah Hamdan Alshehri, Asrar Ali Alwadai, Salha Ali Almarh... Subject(s):
Awareness of Female Staff and Students at Tabuk University About Breast Self-Examination Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Hanaa Masaad Albalawi, Amal Mohammad Al-zahrani, Azizah Munis Alanazi, Abrar Abdulaziz Alanazi, Wejd... Subject(s):
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Diabetes Complication Among Diabetic Patients Attending Diabetes Center At King Khalid Hospital in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Amal Abdulrhman Alotaibi, Areej Abdulrhman Alotaibi, Malak Dhaifallah Alenzi, Sumayah Abdulrahman Al... Subject(s):
Awareness of Diabetic Patient Regarding Ocular Disease Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Salha Ali Almarhapi, Areej Abdulrhman Alotaibi, Hyder Osman Mirghani Subject(s):
The Awareness of The Risk of Chronic Use of Steroid Causing Cataract in Tabuke City, Saudi Arabia,2017 Journal title: The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Authors: Eman Helal Subject(s):
Assessment of Self-Awareness and Perception of Diabetic Foot Disease among People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Tabuk Journal title: The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Authors: Eman Helal Subject(s):