ASSESSMENT OF ORAL HYGIENE HABITS IN CHILDREN 6 TO 12 YEARS. Journal title: Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) Authors: Liliya Doichinova, Nadezhda Mitova Subject(s):
Factors Affecting Oral Hygiene and Tooth Brushing in Preschool Children, Shiraz/Iran Journal title: Journal of Dental Biomaterials Authors: S Shaghaghian, M Zeraatkar Subject(s):
“Evaluation of Additional Antiplaque and Antigingivitis effect of Mouth rinse and Dental Floss on routine Manual tooth brushing” Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research Authors: Chethan J, Priyanka BB, Sujith Sujith, Sarfaraz Hassan Subject(s):
Comparing Salivary and Dental Plaque Content of Sodium, Calcium and Phosphate after Sucrose Ingestion between Salvadora persica Sticks and Tooth Brush Users Journal title: Archives of Current Research International Authors: Wafaa Hussein Khalil, Mohammad Yousuf Mohammad Sukkar, Bakri Gobara Gismalla Subject(s):
Reducing Rumination of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Post-Meal Tooth Brushing Journal title: Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal Authors: Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Two Instruction Methods in Improving Tooth Brushing Skills in Children: A Clinical Trial Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Asia Alnakhli, Ola M. Omar Subject(s):
Assessing Quality of Life using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) in Subjects with and without Orthodontic Treatment need in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: A. Vinita Mary, Jaideep Mahendra, Joseph John, Joyson Moses, A.V. Rajesh Ebenezar, R. Kesavan Subject(s):
Assessment of basic periodontal treatment needs in school children in suburban mumbai Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Dr. Shyamacharan A Samanth Dr. Shyamacharan A Samanth Subject(s):
Tooth brushing frequency and rinsing habits and their effects on oral hygiene index scores (ohis) among the school children in meerut Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Saurabh Sharma, Pawan Parashar, Rahul Bansal, Amit Mohan Varshney, Arvind Kumar Shukla, *Sartaj Ahma... Subject(s):
A Review on Toothbrushes and Tooth Brushing Methods Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention Authors: Kaveri Baruah, Vijay Kumar Thumpala, Pravek Khetani, Queentaj Baruah, Rahul Vinaychandra Tiwari, Hee... Subject(s):
Determinants of Oral Health Behavior among Preschool Children: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Journal title: Journal of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Authors: Raheleh Soltani, Gholamreza Sharifirad, Behzad Mahaki, Ahmad Ali Eslami Subject(s):
The Plaque Removal Effectiveness of Powered and Manual Tooth Brush in Children: A Pilot Study Journal title: Cumhuriyet Dental Journal Authors: Muesser Ahu DURHAN, Merve ULUAKAY, Betul KARGUL Subject(s):
Appraisal of Oral Hygiene Status amongst Subjects with Suicidal Leanings-A Pilot Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Manoj Raja, Parvathee Jayakumar, Keerthidaa Govindaraj, Nimisha Mithradas, Parthiban Saket, Sivasank... Subject(s):
The Efficacy of Plaque Control by Various Toothbrushing Techniques-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Chandrashekar Janakiram, Farheen Taha, Joseph Joe Subject(s):
Gingival Health and Plaque Removal Assessment by Neem Stick and Toothbrush: A Comparative Study Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Akhilesh Chandra, Vipin Kumar Sharma, Navpreet Kaur, Archana Agnihotri, Punit Bhardwaj, Anjani Kumar... Subject(s):