Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) III Score com-pared to Trauma-Injury Severity Score (TRISS) in Predicting Mortality of Trauma Patients Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Rapid Acute Physiology Score versus Rapid Emergency Medicine Score in Trauma Outcome Prediction; a Comparative Study Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Worthing Physiological Score vs Revised Trauma Score in Outcome Prediction of Trauma patients; a Comparative Study Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Demographics of Fall-Related trauma among the Elderly Presenting to Emergency Department; a Cross-Sectional Study Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Glasgow Coma Scale and FOUR Score in Predicting the Mortality of Trauma Patients; a Diagnostic Accuracy Study Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Injury Severity Score as a Predictor for Requirement of Surgical Exploration in High Grade Renal Trauma Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Bhushan R Vispute, Prakash W Pawar, Ajit S Sawant, Amandeep M Arora, Gaurav V Kasat, Ashwin S Tamhan... Subject(s):
Analysis of traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest cases in a level 3 emergency department Journal title: Gulhane Medical Journal Authors: Yahya Ayhan Acar, Sedat Bilge Subject(s): Medicine, General Medicine
Escala qSOFA para predicción de la mortalidad por trauma Journal title: Ciencia Ecuador Authors: Alberto Ortega-Rosales; Gilda Romero-Ulloa; Carlos Burneo-Rosales; Ronald Romero-Ulloa; Anabel Pared... Subject(s): Multidisciplinary Sciences