Granice zasady prawdy materialnej w postępowaniu podatkowym, The Boundaries of the Principle of Truth in Tax Procedure Journal title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia Authors: Rafał Pasternak Subject(s):
DYNAMICS OF CHARACTER Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Islamjon Yakubov Subject(s):
Kadim Bir Soğukluğun Modern Temsili: İlahiyat Fakültelerinde Felsefe Fobisi/Modern Representation of an Ancient Apathy: Philosophy-Phobia in Faculties of Theology Journal title: Bilimname Authors: Erdal BAYKAN Subject(s):
Models, Metaphors and Symbols for Information and Knowledge Systems Journal title: Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation Authors: David Williamson Subject(s): Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Management Science, Management and Marketing
THE SCIENTIFIC DISPUTE IN THE SPHERE OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Vladimir Sutuzhko Subject(s):
THE OBJECTIFICATION OF DEFINITION OF THE PURCHASING POWER OF CONSUMERS IN SHADOW ECONOMY Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. Authors: Nataliya Tyukhtenko, Sergei Makarenko Subject(s):
Effect of Position of Infill Wall for Seismic Analysis of Low Rise Open Ground Storey Building Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Anchal V. Sharma Subject(s):
The effect of laser treatment parameters on temperature distribution and thickness of laser-alloyed layers produced on Nimonic 80A-alloy Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: N. Makuch, P. Dziarski, M. Kulka Subject(s): Engineering
Pedagogy of Peace and Philosophy of War: the Search for Truth Journal title: Future Human Image Authors: Serhiy Klepko Subject(s):
HISTORICAL REALITY IN POEMS OF MOLDO NIYAZ: RUSSIAN INVASION EXAMPLE Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: M. Nurullah CİCİOĞLU Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Spiritual Substance. The Essence of Man-Person According to Karol Wojtyła Journal title: Studia Gilsoniana Authors: Małgorzata Jałocho-Palicka Subject(s): Humanities, Philosophy, Religion
AUCTORITAS AND RATIO IN SAINT AUGUSTINE AND NEWMAN Journal title: Studia Gilsoniana Authors: Miguel Ángel Belmonte Subject(s): Humanities, Philosophy, Religion
KLUGHEIT. GRUNDBEGRIFF DES PRAKTISCHEN BEI ARISTOTELES Journal title: Studia Gilsoniana Authors: Berthold Wald Subject(s): Humanities, Philosophy, Religion
MODERNISM AND THE GROWING CATHOLIC IDENTITY PROBLEM: THOMISTIC REFLECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS Journal title: Studia Gilsoniana Authors: Heather M. Erb Subject(s): Humanities, Philosophy, Religion