Destination promotion and marketing with social media: Case of Home Turkey<p>Destinasyon tanıtımı ve pazarlamasında sosyal medya: Home Turkey örneği Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Pınar Çelik, Nedim Yüzbaşıoğlu, Yunus Topsakal Subject(s):
Nano innovation with smart products: The youth’s nanotech awareness, perception of benefits/risks<p>Akıllı ürünleriyle nano yeniliği: Gençlerin nanoteknoloji farkındalığı, fayda/risk algıları Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Ebru Güzeloğlu Subject(s):
The ideology problem in terms of critical theory of curriculum development models implemented in Turkey<p>Türkiye’de uygulanan program geliştirme modellerinin Eleştirel Teori açısından ideoloji sorunu Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Alaettin İşeri Subject(s):
Foreign trade intensities’ development of Ottoman 45 Countries with Turkey and Neo Ottomanism<p>Osmanlı 45 Ülkelerinin Türkiye ile dış ticaret yoğunlukları gelişimi ve Yeni Osmanlılık Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Mustafa Akal, Ahmet Yağmur Ersoy Subject(s):
The problems experienced by science teachers in their profession and difficulties they are confronted with in science teaching <p> Fen Bilimleri öğretmenlerinin meslekte karşılaştıkları problemler ve fen öğretiminde yaşadıkları zorluklar Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Barış Akıncı, Naim Uzun, Mustafa Kışoğlu Subject(s):
Inspection and teachers’ emotions: An emotional evaluation of inspection Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Binali Tunç, Yusuf İnandı, Bülent Gündüz Subject(s):
Analysis of the changes in vegetation of the Sapanca Lake Basin (in Turkey) using multitemporal satellite data Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Cercis İkiel, Derya Evrim Koç Subject(s):
Examining the situation of classical guitar in symphony orchestra’s concert programmes in Turkey with respect to different variables<p>Türkiye’deki senfoni orkestralarının konser programlarında klasik gitarın yer alma durumunun çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Soner Uluocak Subject(s):
Misconceptions about family planning of women in Turkey Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Meltem Demirgöz Bal, Semiha Aydın Özkan Subject(s):
Investigating and comparing the relationship between parental monitoring types and perceived parenting styles of the Turkish students Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Ayse Dilek Öğretir Özçelik Subject(s):
Military tourism in Erzurum city and its surrounding<p>Erzurum kenti ve yakın çevresinde askeri turizm Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Çağlar Kıvanç Kaymaz, Salih Birinci, Aykut Camcı Subject(s):
Turkish counselor trainees’ experiences regarding experiential groups: A qualitative study Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Burcu Pamukçu, Dilek Yelda Kağnıcı Subject(s):
Effects of migration on child health<p>Göçün çocuk sağlığına etkisi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Emine Geçkil, Muradiye Aldem, Elanur Kaleci Subject(s):
The dynamic of change in history education in Turkey: The History Foundation<p>Türkiye’de tarih eğitiminde bir değişim dinamiği: Tarih Vakfı Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Refik Turan Subject(s):
Thornthwaite climate classification of Turkey<p>Türkiye Thornthwaite iklim sınıflandırması Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Erkan Yılmaz, İhsan Çiçek Subject(s):