ULTRASOUND SCREENING OF THYROID GLAND AMONG A SECTION OF POPULATION IN CENTRAL KERALA Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Ashok Chirathalattu Babu, Mattavana Ramakrishna Pillai Balachandran Nair, Anu Kooliyedathu Balan, Ki... Subject(s):
The Effects of Fetal Movements Counting on Maternal-Fetal Attachment: A Randomised Controlled Trial Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Masoumeh Delaram, Lobat Jafar-zadeh, Sahand Shams Subject(s):
Emergency endovascular management of a leaking saccular abdominal aortic aneurysm Journal title: Journal of Medical and Scientific Research Authors: Premchand RK, Sadiq MD Subject(s):