A Study on Acute Symptomatic Seizures Following Stroke in a Tertiary Care Centre Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr Shubha Subramanian, Dr V Chandramouleeswaran, Dr Kannan V, Dr Lakshmi Narasimhan Subject(s):
Neuroimaging in Elderly with New-Onset Unprovoked Seizures - A Pictorial Review Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: S. Elangovan, M. Thangaraj, k Balamurali, M. Arun Kumar Subject(s):
New Onset Unprovoked Seizures in Elderly: Etiology and Challenges in Management Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr M.Arun Kumar Subject(s):