Międzywojenni kasiarze. Analiza środowiskowa na przykładzie Warszawy Journal title: Archiwum Kryminologii Authors: Mateusz Rodak Subject(s):
Ochrona dóbr narodowych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej po rozbiorach.Prokuratoria Generalna Królestwa Polskiego Th e need to protect of national goods aft er the partition of the Republic of Poland: General Counsel’s Offi ce of the Kingdom of Poland Journal title: Studia z Dziejów Państwa i PrawaPolskiego Authors: Bronisław Sitek Subject(s):
NATO’s defence policy dilemma in the Baltic States Journal title: Security and Defence Quarterly Authors: Lukas Milevski Subject(s): Social Sciences, Military Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Sociology
Military class in Poland – Experiences and perspectives. Journal title: Security and Defence Quarterly Authors: Ilona Urych Subject(s): Social Sciences, Military Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Sociology
The evolution of the Hungarian security policy thinking between 1989-1999, with a special view on the Hungarian Defence Forces. Journal title: Security and Defence Quarterly Authors: József Németh Subject(s): Social Sciences, Military Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Sociology
Warsaw seasons of Salomea Kruszelnicka (1898–1902) Journal title: Edukacja Muzyczna Authors: Magdalena Dziadek https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1409-7902 Subject(s): Education, Music, Languages and Literature