Power Generation Through Double Chamber MFC Operation By Slurry Mixed With Different Substrates Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Shikhi Shrivastava1 , Dr.Hemlata Bundela Subject(s):
Generation Of Electricity Using Vermicompost With Different Substrates Through Single Chamber MFC Approach Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Amit Prem Khare1 , Dr.Hemlata Bundela Subject(s):
Photo Catalytic Degradation of Effluent of Iron and Power Plant Industries in Aqueous Solution by CDS Nano Catalyst Using UVIrradiation Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Mr Manish Tillashi, , Dr. O.N. Choubey Subject(s):
Competitive Adsorption of Cu(II) and Zn(II) from Binary Heavy Metal Solutions by Coffee Waste Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Lovell Odili E. Agwaramgbo, Simone Zulpo, Stéfane O. Lira Subject(s):
Evaluation of Design and Operational Parameters of Pilot Single Stage Stabilization Pond for Treatment of Brewery Waste Water Effluent Journal title: Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering Authors: Okonkwo PC, Umar Musa Subject(s): Engineering, Chemical, Engineering, Environmental, Biochemical Research Methods, Engineering, Biomedical
Preparation of Nanosized Zero-Valent zinc (Zn0) Immobilized on ZnO as Redox Nanocomposite for Degradation of Methyl Orange from Aqueous Solution Journal title: Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Authors: Samira Taherkhani, Ali Khani Subject(s):
Reuse of gray water treated through a constructed wetland with substrates of civil construction Journal title: Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável Authors: Paulo Ricardo Dantas, Maria Tatiane Leonardo Chave, Douglas Monteiro Cavalcante, Walker Gomes de Alb... Subject(s):
IMPLEMENTATION OF BIOREMEDIATION CONCEPT IN THE TREATMENT OF TEXTILE EFFLUENT. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Sumithra Salla. Subject(s):
THE POTENTIALS OF CHRYSOPHYLUM ALBIDUM PEELS AS NATURAL ADSORBENT Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Nleonu E.C. Subject(s):
ВЛИЯНИЕ ОТХОДОВ ЖИВОТНОВОДСТВА НА ОКРУЖАЮЩУЮ СРЕДУ Journal title: Modern engineering and innovative technologies Authors: Нина Косьянчук Subject(s):
ВПЛИВ ВІДХОДІВ ТВАРИННИЦТВА НА ДОВКІЛЛЯ Journal title: Modern engineering and innovative technologies Authors: Нина Косьянчук Subject(s):