Warunki klimatyczne i bioklimatyczne terenów rekreacyjnych Kielc na tle klimatu centrum miasta w trakcie epizodów pogody gorącej (Climatic and bioclimatic conditions in the recreation areas of the city of Kielce during hot weather as compared to the climate of the city center) Journal title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia Authors: Krzysztof Jarzyna, Grzegorz Żarnowiecki Subject(s): Geography
Validation of Environmental Stress Index by Measuring Infrared Radiation as a Substitute for Solar Radiation in Indoor Workplaces
Assessment of occupational exposure to heat stress based on the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature index in the steel industry workers Journal title: طب پیشگیری Authors: Ayoub Ghanbary Sartang, Ehsanollah Habibi, Feizolah Palyzban, Mahboobe Abedi, Habibollah Dehghan, Sa... Subject(s):