Throughput Analysis of Unlicensed Mobile Access using WIFI Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Mr. R. D. Bhosale, Subject(s):
Heterogeneous Interface Mobile Node in NS2 Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET) Authors: Sachin Dattatraya Patil, , Varshapriya Jyotinagar, Subject(s):
An Efficient Routing scheme for reliable path establishment among Mobile Devices in Heterogeneous Networks Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies Authors: R S Shaji , R S Rajesh , B. Ramakrishnan Subject(s):
Public Transportation Management System based on GPSWiFi and Open Street Maps Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Saed Tarapiah, Shadi Atalla Subject(s):
Supporting Adaptation of Wireless Communication Protocols Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Lachman Das Dhomeja, Irfan Ali Soomro, Yasir Arfat Malkani Subject(s):
Architecture of WiFi Based Broadcast Network for Rural Community Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Jumshed Akhtar, Noor Muhammad Sheikh, Aun Abbas Syed Subject(s):
Reifikacja i postantropologia prawa o młodzieżowych ośrodkach socjoterapeutycznych Journal title: Resocjalizacja Polska Authors: Andrzej Bałandynowicz Subject(s):
Seguridad en redes inalámbricas de acceso local bajo parámetros de uso de herramientas libres Journal title: Revista de Neotecnologías Industriales Authors: Juan Ballesteros, Fabián Chaparro Subject(s): Technology
Routing of Video/Audio Multimedia Live Stream over Wireless Mobile Network Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Ujwala C Subject(s):
WiFi Tools and Signal Strength Analysis Journal title: GRD Journal for Engineering Authors: Yashwant Kapgate, Rambabu Vatti, Sneha Jadhav Subject(s):
PEMETAAN WIFI.ID DI SAMARINDA BERBASIS WEBGIS Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Rizal Setiawan, Nataniel Dengen, Bambang Cahyono Subject(s):
RESEARCH OF THE AGGREGATION TRAFFIC OF THE WIRELESS IOT DEVICES Journal title: Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование Authors: Egor Romasevich Subject(s):
Experimental Results on Agent-Based Indoor Localization using WiFi Signaling Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Stefania Monica, Federico Bergenti Subject(s):
A Proposal for a Technological Solution to Improve user Experience in a Shopping Center based on Indoor Geolocation Services Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Luinel Andrade, Johan Quintero, Eric Gamess, Antonio Russoniello Subject(s):
Opportunistic Routing in Delay Tolerant Network with Different Routing Algorithm Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):