Aerospace cluster of Bangalore: Can the SMEs take up the challenges? Journal title: Journal of Asian Business Strategy Authors: Sharath N., G. L. Shekar, N. V. Raghavendra Subject(s):
Selected aspects of the supply chain management in the aerospace industry Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Ivan KOBLEN, Lucia NIŽNÍKOVÁ Subject(s):
Multifunctional composites and nanocomposites with applications in the aerospace industry Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Ion DINCA, Adriana STEFAN, Ana STAN, Sorina GAMAN, Lavinia GAVRILA-FLORESCU, Dan DONESCU, Zina... Subject(s):
Determinants of the quality of brazed joints of nickel-based superalloys Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: K. Strzelczak, B. Lisiecka Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Edukacja techniczna pracowników przemysłu lotniczego Technical Education of Employees of the Aviation Industry Journal title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka Authors: DOMINIK KOZIK Subject(s):
THE CHOICE OF EFFECTIVE TYPES OF VIRTUAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Journal title: Вестник университета Authors: Olga Afanasieva, Alexsandr Kovalev Subject(s):
Legal Forms Activity of Technology Transfer Network on Example in Aerospace Industry Journal title: Advanced Space Law Authors: Evgen Novikov Subject(s):
Geopolitic and spatial natural resources Journal title: PAAKAT: Revista de Tecnología y Sociedad Authors: Daniel Blinder Subject(s):
Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing with Wire Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Węglowski M, St Błacha S Subject(s):
The Role of Trade Unions in the Development of the Aerospace Industry Journal title: Philosophy and Cosmology Authors: Volodymyr Tsvykh, Dmytro Nelipa Subject(s):
ECONOMICS OF AEROSPACE TOURISM : PECULIARITIES AND PROSPECTS OF MARKETING FOR POTENTIAL SPACE TOURISM COMPANIES Journal title: Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство Authors: Suschenko Helen, Matthnai Ekouaghe Subject(s):