Massive Tricuspide Insufficiency after Pacemaker Implantation Journal title: Saudi Journal of Medicine Authors: M. Malki, A. Lagziri, L. Oukerraj, I. Fellat, J. Zarzur Subject(s):
DE VEGA VERSUS SEGMENTAL REPAIR IN SURGICAL TREATMENT OF TRICUSPID VALVE DISEASE Journal title: European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Authors: Hatem M. Aboalazayem Subject(s):
Post-operative Respiratory Distress Due to Laryngeal Granuloma and Subglottic Stenosis in a Patient Undergoing Open Heart Surgery Journal title: Turkish Journal of Intensive Care Authors: Çağla Yazar, Manat Aitakhanova, Aykan Gülleroğlu, Aynur Camkıran Fırat, Pınar Zeyneloğlu Subject(s): Medicine
Biodegradable Ring as an Evolving Annuloplasty Technology for Valve Repair Journal title: Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Afksendiyos KALANGOS Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Miscellaneous