The Mediating Effect of Belongingness on Self-Esteem and Positive Mental Health of College Students Journal title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal Authors: Brandon Nacua Obenza, C Jay Cuares, Princess Jane Dumadag, Arianne Faye Goma, Roque Lozano, April Kl... Subject(s): Education, Psychology
Examining the Role of Empowerment Criteria on Employee Performance: A Quantitative Analysis in the Oil Industry Journal title: Journal of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Authors: Mohammad Reza Gharib, Najmeh Jamali, Sajjad Nikkhah Chamanabad, Masoud Goharimanesh Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Operating Systems, Industrial Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Operations Research & Management Science, Technology - Production engineering
КАТЕГОРИЯ ПРИНАДЛЕЖНОСТИ И ПОСЕССИВНОЕ МЫШЛЕНИЕ ДРЕВНИХ ТЮРКОВ (на материале рунических памятников письменности) Journal title: Тіл және әдебиет: Теориясы мен тәжірибесі / Language and Literature: Theory and Practice Authors: Алина Андирова, Абай Каиржанов Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Folklore, Literature
Birds and Mammals of the Wakha Valley in Northern India Journal title: International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology Authors: Raza M*, Namgail T and Khan A Subject(s): Zoology and Animal Science