Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences ISSN: (print) 2090-5939 (online) Subject: Law, Medicine Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/11
Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal ISSN: (print) 2525-510X (online) Subject: Law, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Anthropology, Criminology, Sociology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/11
Nanomedicine Journal ISSN: 2322-3049 (print) 2322-5904 (online) Subject: Medicine, Nanotechnology, Pharmacy, Toxicology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale ISSN: (print) 1971-8543 (online) Subject: Law Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Estudios Fronterizos ISSN: (print) 2395-9134 (online) Subject: Economics, Communication, History , International Relations, Anthropology, Demography, Geography, Sociology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science ISSN: 2503-0817 (print) 2503-0825 (online) Subject: Medicine, Microbiology, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Pathology and Forensics Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Dynamic Econometric Models ISSN: 1234-3862 (print) 2450-7067 (online) Subject: Economics Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Taiwania ISSN: (print) 0372-333X (online) Subject: Biological Sciences, Cellular Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Science Education, Ecology, Physiology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Andelma ISSN: (print) 2386-3811 (online) Subject: Culture Heritage, History , Anthropology, Ethnology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose ISSN: (print) 2293-6629 (online) Subject: Biological Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Science Education Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Public Health Reviews ISSN: (print) 2107-6952 (online) Subject: Medicine, Health and Wellness Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences ISSN: (print) 2300-3405 (online) Subject: Computer and Information Science, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Control and Optimization Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
International Journal of Environment ISSN: (print) 2091-2854 (online) Subject: Environmental Sciences Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10
BMC Psychology ISSN: (print) 2050-7283 (online) Subject: Psychology Date Added To EuroPub: 2018/Feb/10