Effects of the complex of magnesium and chromium citrates on the carbohydrate metabolism in the blood of rats with experimental diabetes mellitus Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: O. A. Shatynska, R. Ya. Iskra, О. Z. Svarchevska Subject(s):
The content of total lipids and their separate classes in products of honeybees under feeding of native soy-bean meal with the addition chromium chloride and akvananocitrate Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: R. S. Fedoruk, L. I. Romaniv Subject(s):
The content of total lipids and their fractions profile in tissues of honeybee under feeding of native soybean meal and with the addition of chloride and citrate chromium Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: R. S. Fedoruk, L. I. Romaniv Subject(s):
Effect of chromium citrate on lipid composition in blood plasma of rats with experimental diabetes Journal title: Біологічні Студії Authors: R. Iskra, O. Sushko, A. Pylypets Subject(s):
THE INFLUENCE OF VANADIUM AND CHROMIUM CITRATES ON THE ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM IN THE BLOOD OF RATS WITH EXPERIMENTAL DIABETES Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Біологія Authors: O. O. Sushko, R. Ya. Iskra Subject(s):