CASE REPORT: THE USE OF WISC-IV IN ASSESSING INTELLECTUAL FUNCTIONING Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Anthony K. Nkyi, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
Anger in the context of learning Journal title: Studia Psychologiczne Authors: Agata Kozłowska Subject(s):
MINDSET TYPE VERSUS LEVEL OF CORTICAL ACTIVATION Journal title: Acta Neuropsychologica Authors: Magdalena Błażek, Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska Subject(s):
COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING OF PATIENTS WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME AND FUNCTIONAL DYSPEPSIA Journal title: Acta Neuropsychologica Authors: Agata Rudnik, Grażyna Piotrowicz Subject(s):
DECLARED SATISFACTION WITH SEXUAL LIFE AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY Journal title: Acta Neuropsychologica Authors: Krzysztof Owczarek, Hanna Rozenek, Joanna Jędrzejczak, Andrzej Rysz, Barbara Błaszczyk, Dorota Włoda... Subject(s):
The relationship between sleep and cognitive functioning in adult people Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Sara Sitara Qureshi , Basit-Ansari , Masood A Qureshi , Raheela Rahmat Zohra Subject(s):
Funkcjonowanie poznawcze osób z chorobą niedokrwienną serca leczonych kardiochirurgicznie – ocena przed i po zabiegu. Badania pilotażowe Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Janusz Stążka, Ewa Szepietowska, Ewelina Barańska, Piotr Dudka Subject(s):
The profile of WISC-R scores in children with high-functioning autism Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Monika Zielińska, Radosław Sterczyński, Aneta Bagińska Subject(s):
The cognitive functioning of patients with heart disease treated cardiosurgically – assessment before and after surgery. Preliminary study Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Janusz Stążka, Ewa Szepietowska, Ewelina Barańska, Piotr Dudka Subject(s):
Sports and Cognitive Functioning among College Football and Basketball Players Journal title: Indian Journal of Neurosciences Authors: Banerjee Kasturi, Reddy K. Jayasankara Subject(s):
The Phenomenological Experience of Schizophrenia and Affective Function Journal title: Acta Psychopathologica Authors: Gregory Jurenec Subject(s): Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine, General & Internal, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Neurosciences, Pathology
Cognitive Functioning, Health Screening Behaviors and Desire to Improve One’s Health in Diabetic versus Healthy Older Women Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Luciana Laganá, Kimberly Arellano, David Alpizar Subject(s):
All employees need job resources – Testing the Job Demands–Resources Theory among employees with either high or low working memory and fluid intelligence Journal title: Medycyna Pracy Authors: Konrad Kulikowski, Jarosław Orzechowski Subject(s): Medicine, Occupational Therapy
Age Related Differences in Problem Solving Performance Journal title: Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry Authors: Cem Soylu, F. Cansu Pala Subject(s):
Cognition and Opioid Substitution Therapy Adherence in Patients with Opioid Dependence Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Shabina A Sheth, Nilanjan C Chandra, Ritambhara Y Mehta Subject(s):