Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Konseling Menyusui Journal title: Kesmas: National Public Health Journal Authors: Ika Murtiyarini, Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, Irvan Afriandi Subject(s):
Role of Nutrition in Sports: A Review Journal title: Indian Journal of Nutrition Authors: Arpana Indoria Subject(s):
Family planning counseling sessions at primary health care facilities in Sadat city, Egypt Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Nora Abdelhady Khalil, Hewaida Mohamed Elshazly, Eman Tolba Subject(s):
Is genetic counseling for cancer predisposition always associated with distress? A pre-post intervention study to assess probands’ pre-and post-counseling level of anxiety and satisfaction Journal title: Archives of Depression and Anxiety Authors: Lascio Simona Di, Scaffidi Elena, Bagnardi Vincenzo, Taborelli Monica, Micheli Gabriella Bianchi, Sa... Subject(s):
Nutritional counseling improves dietary diversity and feeding habits of Zambian malnourished children admitted in Rainbow nutritional programs Journal title: Biomedicine & Prevention Authors: Stefania Moramarco, Giulia Amerio, Lweendo Chafula Muyaba, Daniele Bonvecchio, Emiliano Abramo, Leon... Subject(s):
Effect of educational intervention on breast feeding practices in tertiary care hospital, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Ghanshyam Das, Gunvant Singh Eske, Preeti Lata Rai, Shweta Gautam Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Who and Where Should they turn to? The Plight of Street Children Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
The Multifaceted Aspects of Infertility Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Factors Influencing Secondary School Students to Steal and Their Need for Guidance and Counselling in Bungoma West District, Bungoma County in Kenya Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Role of Counselling to Facilitate Compliance to the Dots for the Treatment of Tuberculosis Journal title: Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Care Authors: Aamir Siddiqua, Latif Nosheen, Basit Anila Subject(s):
A Counseling Room Approach to Improve the Quality of Life of Cervical Cancer Patients at an Apex Hospital of North India Journal title: International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine Authors: Dr. Amudeep Singh Subject(s):
Utilization of HIV Testing and Counseling Services by Men in the Bolgatanga Municipality Journal title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health Authors: Ezekiel Apasera, Amos Laar Subject(s):
Evaluating the Rationality of Antibiotic Dispensing in Treating Common Cold Infections among Pharmacists in Baghdad – Iraq Journal title: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International Authors: Ehab Mudher Mikhael Subject(s):
Infant Feeding Practices among HIV-Positive Women in Enugu, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: L. C. Ikeako, H. U. Ezegwui, M. I. Nwafor, E. Nwogu-Ikojo, T. C. Okeke Subject(s):