Cholelithiasis – always infected? Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Matyjas, Lech Pomorski, Henryk Witas, Katarzyna Matyjas, Krzysztof Kaczka Subject(s):
Adhesivity of electroless Ni-P layer on austenitic stainless steel Journal title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Authors: B. Smoljan, D. Iljkić, M. Maretić Subject(s):
Plio-Quaternary Sandy Deposits and Microbial Buildups at the Southern Marmara Shelf Near Shoreface Area, Turkey Journal title: International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics Authors: Denizhan VARDAR, Hande Aykurt VARDAR Subject(s):
Animals from the tumuli in el-Detti in Sudan: from bone remains to studying ritual Journal title: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Authors: Urszula Iwaszczuk Subject(s):
The Radioisotope Strengths of the Mineral Deposits in Lands of the West Timor Island-Indonesia Journal title: Journal of Applied Chemical Science Authors: Pasangka Bartholomeus, Brotopuspito Kirbani Sri, Wahid Abdul Subject(s):
The lithofacies zonality and lithmological structure of Eifelian deposits of Dobrudja Foredeep Journal title: Геодинаміка Authors: V. Hnidets, K. Hryhorchook, L. Koshil, N. Tsyzh, M. Yakovenko Subject(s):
The taxation of the Corporate Income Tax of disposal of goods from deposit incorrect Journal title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu Authors: Artur Halasz Subject(s):
Optimal Deposit and Loan Interest Rates Setting in Co-Operative Banks Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia Authors: Tomasz Siudek, Aldona Zawojska Subject(s):
SUMMING-UP OF BANKING FINANCIAL SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Journal title: Economie şi sociologie Authors: Rodica PERCIUN, Viorica POPA, Mariana BALAN Subject(s):
Comparison of Individual Pension System and Bank’s Deposit System for Low-Risk Investors Journal title: Alphanumeric Journal Authors: Özcan Mutlu, Muhammed Ordu, Olcay Polat Subject(s):
Paleoclimatic factors of reconstruction of thermal history of parent petroleum bazhenov and togur suites of southeast of West Siberia Journal title: Геофизический журнал Authors: V. I. Isaev, A. A. Iskorkina, G. A Lobova, A. V. Fomin Subject(s):
METHODICAL BASES FOR ROCK BURSTS DANGEROUS KUZBASS IRON ORE DEPOSITS EFFICIENT MINING GEOTECHNOLOGY CHOICE Journal title: Вестник научного центра по безопасности работ в угольной промышленности Authors: A.I. Kopytov, Yu. A Masaev Subject(s):
Melts and fluids evolution in the process of crust and mantle formation in Paleo-Proterozoic (2,2—1,75 Ga ago). Stratigraphy and magnetic activity Journal title: Геофизический журнал Authors: O. V. Usenko Subject(s):
Evaluation of petrophysical heterogeneity of oil-gas reservoirs according to the data of geophysical studies of wells (Guneshly deposit as an example) Journal title: Геофизический журнал Authors: A. A. Feyzullayev, V. N. Lunina, G. T. Akhmedova Subject(s):
Results of thermo-magnetic analysis of Cretaceous deposits of the Lagich section (Vandam tectonic zone, South slope of the Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan) Journal title: Геофизический журнал Authors: Z.A. Novruzov, M.I. Isayeva, T.D. Garayeva, A.A. Bagirova Subject(s):