Case Reports in Hepatology

ISSN: 2090-6587 (print) 2090-6595 (online)

Subject: Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Oct/28

Case Reports in Dentistry

ISSN: 2090-6447 (print) 2090-6455 (online)

Subject: Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Oct/26

Case Reports in Critical Care

ISSN: 2090-6420 (print) 2090-6439 (online)

Subject: Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Oct/26

Canadian Respiratory Journal

ISSN: 1198-2241 (print) 1916-7245 (online)

Subject: Medicine, Allergy, Cancer, Respiratory and Pulmonary

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Oct/26

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