Wybrane czynniki wpływające na decyzje wyborców w elekcji parlamentarnej w 2011 roku Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Robert Alberski Subject(s):
Pro-systemic Voters Versus Anti-systemic Ones: Emotional Attitude to Candidates and the Influence of TV Political Advertising in the 2015 Presidential Election in Poland Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Agata Olszanecka-Marmola Subject(s):
Electoral Offenses in The Common Law System Journal title: Academicus - International Scientific Journal Authors: Vladimir Mulaj Subject(s):
Voter Turnout in the 2014 European Parliament Election in Poland Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Mikołaj Cześnik, Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc, Mateusz Zaremba Subject(s):
Modelling loans and deposits during electoral years in Romania Journal title: Computational Methods in Social Sciences Authors: Nicolae - Marius JULA Subject(s):
Partycypacja polityczna kobiet a wprowadzenie ustawowych kwot wyborczych Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Maciej Marmola, Agata Olszanecka Subject(s):
The integrity of elections in Albania as a duality between the law and their administration. Electoral management body in the circle of cause – effect for elections performance Journal title: Academicus - International Scientific Journal Authors: Monika Kryemadhi, Lefteri Luzi-Lleshi Subject(s):
Software solutions for identifying outliers Journal title: Computational Methods in Social Sciences Authors: Nicolae-Marius JULA Subject(s):
Election to Regional Assemblies Competition in the Light Party Election. Comparative Analysis Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Kinga Sulejman Subject(s):
Investigation into Negative Activities towards Electoral Process in Nigeria and the Needs for proper Education and orientation Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Shittu Soliu, Dauda Ariya, Falade Olakunle, Ibrahim Hassan Subject(s):
Poczucie alienacji jako zmienna różnicująca zachowania wyborcze obywateli w wyborach do sejmu 2011 roku Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Agnieszka Turska-Kawa Subject(s):
Strażnik demokracji czy relikt przeszłości? Dyskusje nad zasadnością stosowania ciszy wyborczej Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Marcin Zaborski Subject(s):
Obywatelskie kompetencje polityczne a wybrane motywy podejmowania decyzji wyborczych Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Robert Alberski, Danuta Plecka Subject(s):
Political Parties’ Electoral Strategies in the Context of Political Uncertainty Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Waldemar Wojtasik Subject(s):
Wpływ wyznawanych idei i identyfikacji politycznych na decyzje wyborcze w wyborach samorządowych Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Zbigniew Widera Subject(s):