Enhanced Identity-Based Certificateless Signcryption Scheme Journal title: International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research (IJMCAR) Authors: V. Isakkirajan, M. Ramakrishnan Subject(s):
Implementation of Des Algorithm in Python Journal title: International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management Authors: Sakshi Agarwal, P K Bharti, Rajesh Kumar Pathak Subject(s):
The Homomorphic Subtraction and Division Property of Paillier Cryptosystem Journal title: International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management Authors: Tanyaporn Sridokmai, Somchai Prakancharoen, Nalinpat Porrawatpreyakorn Subject(s):
Comparative Analysis of Different Modified Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms over Conventional Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm Journal title: International Journal of Current Research and Review Authors: Kirti Prakash Choudhury Subject(s):
RESEARCH OF ACTUAL CODING OLGORITHMS FOR PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Petro Hroza, Tetiana Kimachuk Subject(s):
Evaluation of Peer Robot Communications using CryptoROS Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Rossilawati Sulaiman, Nor Samsiah Sani, Afzan Adam, Roham Amini Subject(s):
A Novel Image Encryption using Memetic Differential Expansion based Modified Logistic Chaotic Map Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Anvita Gupta, Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur Subject(s):
Routine of Encryption in Cognitive Radio Network Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: A. Raza, M.T. Meeran, M. din Subject(s):
An improved secret sharing scheme based on ( K,N ) threshold* Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Haibing Sun, Shirong Feng, Simin Wang, Tianxiu Lu Subject(s):
THE ECONOMIC ESSENCE AND TYPES OF CRYPTO CURRENCY IN THE WORLD Journal title: Бізнес-навігатор Authors: N.S. Tanklevskaya, V.S. Petrenko, A.S. Karnaushenko Subject(s):
Cloud Security based on the Homomorphic Encryption Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Waleed T. Al-Sit, Qussay Al-Jubouri, Hani Al-Zoubi Subject(s):
Key Schedule Algorithm using 3-Dimensional Hybrid Cubes for Block Cipher Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Muhammad Faheem Mushtaq, Sapiee Jamel, Siti Radhiah B. Megat, Urooj Akram, Mustafa Mat Deris Subject(s):
Review Paper on LSB Based Stegnography to Enhance Image Security Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Performance Comparison of File Security System using TEA and Blowfish Algorithms Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Secure Data Hiding System by using AES Algorithm and Indicator Based LSB Method Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary