Analysis of N-P-K fertilizer response mode on potato among rice cultivation area in Changde Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Su-hua WANG, Shu-ju LI Subject(s):
Promoting reforestation through supplementing native forest tree species in northwestern Vietnam Journal title: Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology Authors: Tran Van Do Subject(s):
Late Antiquity animal remains of the military settlement near Barkach village (Pleven Region, CN Bulgaria) Journal title: ZooNotes Authors: Zlatozar Boev Subject(s):
Changes in the Physical Properties of Segregational Chernozems in Agroforest Landscapes of the Central Chernozem Region Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: V.I. Turusov, Yu.I. Cheverdin, V.A. Bespalov, T.V. Titova Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Formation of Siberian Pine Forests by Improvement Felling on Former Agriculturаl Lands Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: S.V. Zalesov, L.А. Belov, А.S. Opletaev, A.G. Magasumova, Т.Yu. Kartashova, N.M. Debkov Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Dynamics of Carbon Stocks in the Formation of Forests on Post-Agrogenic Lands Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: E.N. Nakvasina, Yu.N. Shumilova Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
ERODIBILITY INDICES UNDER DIFFERENT LAND USES IN AWKA, NIGERIA Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Nwachukwu C.P. Nwanna E.C. Umobi C.O. Njoku C.M. Bejie F.I. Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Economic Evaluation of using Different Tillage Methods and Crop Rotation in Rain-Fed Wheat Cultivation Journal title: Journal of Agricultural Machinery Authors: S. M. Seyedan,A. Heidari, Subject(s): Engineering, Agricultural Science
GIS-analysis of the Influence of the Land Use Type on the Current Diversity of Forest Plantations in the Kenozersky National Park Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Alexander V. Kozykin,Elena N. Nakvasina, Subject(s): Technology, Forestry