Veziküler ve makülopapüler döküntü ve febril nötropeni ile başvuran bir bruselloz olgusu Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: Selmin Çaylak, Hamdi Sözen, İbak Gönen, Cem Şahin Subject(s):
A brucellosis case presenting with vesicular and maculopapular rash and febrile neutropenia Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: Selmin Çaylak, Hamdi Sözen, İbak Gönen, Cem Şahin Subject(s):
Could Neutrophil CD64 Expression Be Used as a Diagnostic Parameter of Bacteremia in Patients with Febrile Neutropenia? Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Nur Efe İris, Taner Yıldırmak, Habip Gedik, Funda Şimşek, Demet Aydın, Naciye Demirel, Osman Yokuş Subject(s):