Формування продуктивності гібрида томата СХД-277 залежно від фону мінерального живлення в умовах краплинного зрошення на півдні України / Study of formation of productivity of tomato hybrid storage-277 depending on the background of mineral nutrition in the conditions of drip irrigation in southern Ukraine Journal title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія Authors: O. Berdnikova, K. Gerasemchuk Subject(s):
Фотосинтетична продуктивність злаково-бобових травостоїв залежно від складу травосумішок та удобрення / Photosynthetic productivity of cereal-legume grassesdepending on composition of grass mixes and fertilizer Journal title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія Authors: I. Trihuba Subject(s):
Effect of chemical fertilizers regulation on the growth of Fagopyrum esculentum with continuous cropping Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Yu WANG, Kai-feng HUANG Subject(s):
Effect of boron regulation on root morphology and yield of common buckwheat Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Chang-min LIU, Kai-feng HUANG Subject(s):
Popularization and effect of“ saving and improving efficiency technology of chemical fertilizers” in Huiyang district,Huizhou city Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Dong-xian LI, Xing-fu GU Subject(s):
Effects of different fertilization treatments on soil microbial community in core-mining subsidence area Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Ying HOU Subject(s):
Effects of livestock and poultry manure amendment and wetting-drying cycle on functional diversity of soil microbial community Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Jiang-tao LI Subject(s):
Response of starch RVA spectrum of different varieties of rice to exogenous selenium fertilizer Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Min TIAN, Yun-gao HU Subject(s):
Effects based on Bacillus pumilus combined application with chemical fertilizers on the growing and quality of lettuce Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Min-jie CHEN, Chun-li ZHENG Subject(s):
Effects of different sowing date, planting density and fertilizer dosage on agronomic characters and yield of mountain rapeseed Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Xin-zhou HU, Jin-cheng YANG Subject(s):
Effects of different fertilizationson the growth and yield parameters of cotton Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Xue-xin ZHANG Subject(s):
Analysis of N-P-K fertilizer response mode on potato among rice cultivation area in Changde Journal title: 广东农业科学 Authors: Su-hua WANG, Shu-ju LI Subject(s):
Formation of soil fertility for different fertilizer systems in field crop rotation Journal title: Agrology Authors: G.M. Hospodarenko, O.D. Cherno, A.Y. Cherednik Subject(s):
Efficacy of organic products against insect pests in alfalfa grown for seeds Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: Ivelina Nikolova, Natalia Georgieva Subject(s):
New structured emulsions based on renewable resources generated by leather and fur industry, with application in agriculture Journal title: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems (ICAMS) Authors: Demetra SIMION, Carmen GAIDĂU, Corina CHIRILĂ, Mariana Daniela BERECHET, Mihaela-Doina Niculescu, Do... Subject(s):