Injection of platelet-rich plasma at the fracture site combined with microfracture surgery for the treatment of delayed fracture healing Journal title: Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion Authors: Junbo TU, Xiaowu HUANG, Xingwang LI, Xiaoqing LI Subject(s): Hematology
Effect of Crack Location and Orientation on Crack Growth in Boiler Tube: Theoretical and Computational Investigation Journal title: International Journal of Innovations in Science and Technology Authors: Majeed ur Rahman, Babar Saeed Subject(s): Computer and Information Science
Are Evaluation Scores Reliable Predictors of 30-Day and 1-Year Mortality in Fragility Neck of Femur Fractures? Journal title: Journal of Orthopaedic Science and Research Authors: Efthymios Iliopoulos1*, Reichan Molla Moustafa1, Ioannis Kougioumtzis1, Konstantinos Tilkeridis1, At... Subject(s): Orthopedics