Warunki geologiczno-inżynierskie w dolinach rzecznych na przykładzie tarasu zalewowego Warty w rejonie Uniejowa Journal title: Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska Authors: Grzegorz ROMAN, Małgorzata ROMAN, Michał Grzegorz ROMAN Subject(s):
An Indication of Intentional Efforts to Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting Journal title: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International Authors: J. Marvin Herndon Subject(s):
Further Evidence of Coal Fly Ash Utilization in Tropospheric Geoengineering: Implications on Human and Environmental Health Journal title: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International Authors: J. Marvin Herndon, Mark Whiteside Subject(s):
Evidence of Variable Earth-heat Production, Global Non-anthropogenic Climate Change, and Geoengineered Global Warming and Polar Melting Journal title: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International Authors: J. Marvin Herndon Subject(s):
Geoengineering Biodiversity: Study to Access Feasibility of Geoengineering Techniques on Biodiversity Journal title: Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology Authors: Bryan Paul Subject(s):
Geoengineering Characterization of the Rock Masses of Northern Face of Jabal Sabir, Taiz City, Yemen Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Abdul-Aleam Ahmed A. D. Al- Qadhi, M.R. Janardhana Subject(s):
ФЕНОМЕН ЗЕМЛІ В УМОВАХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНОЇ РЕАЛЬНОСТІ Journal title: Гуманітарний часопис Authors: Світлана Пилипенко Subject(s):
The Ultimate Game Against Nature Journal title: Annals of Biostatistics & Biometric Applications (ABBA) Authors: Subject(s):
Intelligent Health Monitoring Using Internet of Things Journal title: Annals of Biostatistics & Biometric Applications (ABBA) Authors: Subject(s):
Correlative Variation of the Essential Amino Acids Journal title: Annals of Biostatistics & Biometric Applications (ABBA) Authors: Subject(s):