A comparative study of geriatric and non-geriatric diabetic patients -a cross sectional hospital based study Journal title: Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Authors: Bhawana Thapa, Bidita Khandelwal, Saumen Gupta Subject(s):
Self perceived ocular morbidities among geriatric subjects of urban Varanasi Journal title: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Authors: Priya Keshari, Hari Shankar Subject(s):
A clinical study of dermatological manifestations in geriatric patients in Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences and Teaching Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana, India Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Authors: Syed Yousuf Ali, G. Sukumar Reddy, Potluri Sravanthi Subject(s):
Estimating height and weight in old-age from other anthropometric measurements – a community based cross-sectional study from central Kerala Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Jaimy Ann Philip, Ivin P Zacharia, Sherin Susan Paul, Arun N Bhatt Subject(s):
Gerodontology: An Interdisciplinary Approach Journal title: Periodontics and Prosthodontics Authors: Vikram Jha, Rameshwari Singhal, Pavitra Rastogi, Shuchi Tripathi, Anuya Hemant Patankar Subject(s): Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine
Geriatric Poly-Pharmacy: A Growing Epidemic. How to Prevent It? Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Sonali Sarkar Subject(s):
A study on the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among the elderly in Kancheepuram district, South India. Journal title: National Journal of Research in Community Medicine Authors: Joy Patricia Pushparani, S. Chitrasena, Ramasubramanian R. Subject(s):
Evaluation of Self Medication and other medicine use practices in elderly patients Journal title: Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences Authors: Dr. Kavita Jaiswal, Dr Kiran Khaladkar, Dr. M.C .Mehta, Dr. Neha Moghe Subject(s):
Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) in Geriatric Population Journal title: BMH Medical Journal Authors: MC Rajesh Subject(s):
Geriatric Nutrition: A Bird Eye View Journal title: Indian Journal of Nutrition Authors: Pallavi Kiradi Subject(s):
Potency of Drugs Interaction among Geriatric Patients Prescribing: Retrospective Study in Pharmacies in Bandung Journal title: Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Authors: Nurul Annisa, Rizky Abdulah Subject(s):
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) In the Elderly - A Clinical and Microbiological Study Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr. Lalita Verma, Dr S.S. Dariya, Dr. Rajni Sharma Subject(s):
A Study to Assess the Health Profile of Geriatric Age Group People in old age Home of Rewa, Central India. Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr.Anjana Niranjan, Dr.Pahram Adhikari, Dr.Devendra Niranjan Subject(s):
Development and Validation of the Emergency Department Geriatric Readmission Assessment at Yale (ED GRAY): Part 1, Fundamental Measurement Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Lori A. Post, Thomas L. Conner, James F. Oehmke, Fuad Abujarad, Leo M. Cooney, Cynthia Brandt, Conni... Subject(s):
Prevalence and Trend of Geriatric Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Ayotunde James Fasunla, Ukamaka Nwankwo, Onyekwere George Nwaorgu Subject(s):