Globalization of Psychological issues in human being's society in Arthur Miller's All My Sons Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: AbdolbaghyRezaeitalarposhti| Assistant professor of Golestan University, Iran. email: a_rezaei_t @ya... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
WHEN GUILT INDUCES CHARITY: THE EMOTIONAL SIDE OF PHILANTHROPY Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Ramona De Luca| PhD Candidate at FGV – EAESP São Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil. Em... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
The relationship between the severity of transgressions, empathy, feeling of guilt and shame, conciliatory behaviors and perceived forgiveness with self-forgiveness among the University of Isfahan students Journal title: Journal of Science and today’s world Authors: Bahare Labaki, Mohammad Ali Nadi Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Cellular Biology, Zoology and Animal Science, Geology, Mathematics Education
Civil Liability Basics of the Owners of Ground Motor Vehicles Journal title: Journal of Science and today’s world Authors: Ghafour Khoeini, Reza Aghaabbasi Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Cellular Biology, Zoology and Animal Science, Geology, Mathematics Education
INEFFECTIVE ACTION REPLAY Journal title: Ius Humani. Revista de Derecho Authors: Guillermo Enríquez Burbano Subject(s): Human Rights
A man who does not cope with life - about the Process by Franz Kafka Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Agnieszka Malarewicz - Jakubów Subject(s):
Człowiekowi, który za życia nie upora się z życiem – o „Procesie” Franza Kafki Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Agnieszka Malarewicz - Jakubów Subject(s):
Love: Revelation of Beauty or Good with an Expiry Date?<br /> Journal title: Intellectum Authors: Panagiotis Thomas Subject(s):
Nasilenie interpersonalnego poczucia winy w schizofrenii paranoidalnej Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Jonathan Britmann, Tadeusz Nasierowski, Sławomir Murawiec, Marzena Pawlus, Elżbieta Fidler Subject(s):
Intensification of interpersonal sense of guilt in patients with schizophrenia Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Jonathan Britmann, Tadeusz Nasierowski, Sławomir Murawiec, Marzena Pawlus, Elżbieta Fidler Subject(s):
A Robust Approach for Detecting Data Leakage and Data Leaker in Organizations Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: B. Sruthi Patel Subject(s):
THE PROCEDURE REGARDING THE ADMISSION OF GUILT Journal title: Challenges of the Knowledge Society Authors: ANDREI ZARAFIU Subject(s):
Davanloo’s Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Application and understanding the theoretical and technical principles of this method in treatment of resistant patients Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Miroslaw Bilski-Piotrowski Subject(s):
A Novel Data Leakage Detection Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Priyanka Barge Subject(s):
THE PLEA BARGAIN AGREEMENT Journal title: Challenges of the Knowledge Society Authors: Radu SLĂVOIU, Mihai Daniel ONIȘOR Subject(s):