Effects Of Perivitelline Fluid Obtained From Horseshoe Crab On The Proliferation And Genotoxicity Of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Journal title: Cell Journal(Yakhteh) Authors: Marahaini Musa, Khadijah Mohd Ali, Thirumulu Ponnuraj Kannan, Ahmad Azlina, Nor Shamsuria Omar, Anil... Subject(s): Medicine
A study of horseshoe kidney: A rare anatomical variant Journal title: International Journal of Anatomical Variations Authors: Dimple Mote, Vaishaly Kishore Bharambe, PR Manvikar, Dinit K Tom Subject(s): Anatomy & Morphology
A horseshoe kidney with a unique constellation of renal vasculature: A case report Journal title: International Journal of Anatomical Variations Authors: Guiyun Zhang, Richard R Schmidt Subject(s): Anatomy & Morphology
Bilaterally-Complicated Horseshoe Kidney Associated to Situs Inversus with Levocardia: A Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Current Research and Review Authors: Rabea Ahmed Gadelkareem Gadelkareem Subject(s):