Consideraţii privind regimul temperaturii aerului, în lunile de toamna, în Oltenia Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Ion MARINICĂ, Victor Viorel VATAMANU, Dana Maria (OPREA) CONSTANTIN, Andreea Floriana MARINICĂ Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
THERMAL SPECIFICATION OF THE DENDROLOGICAL GARDEN IN GLINNA AGAINST THE CONDITIONS OF THE MESOREGION IN THE SZCZECIN COASTAL REGION Journal title: Baltic Coastal Zone Authors: Jadwiga Nidzgorska-Lencewicz, Agnieszka Mąkosza, Marcin Kubus, Grzegorz Nowak Subject(s):
Considerations upon the Air Temperature Characteristics during the Month of May in Oltenia Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography Authors: Andreea Floriana Marinică, Dana Maria (Oprea) Constantin, Ion Marinică, Victor Viorel Vătămanu Subject(s):
Considerations upon the Air Temperature Characteristics in Oltenia in December Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography Authors: Andreea Floriana Marinică, Dana Maria (Oprea) Constantin, Ion Marinică, Victor Viorel Vătămanu Subject(s):
Influence of plastic deformation temperature on the structure and mechanical properties of low-alloy copper alloys with Co, Ni and B Journal title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Authors: B. Grzegorczyk, W. Ozgowicz Subject(s):
Effect of Abiotic Factors on Population Dynamics of Whitefly and Jassid on Bt Cotton Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Muhammad Zuhaib Safdar, Muhammad Mamoon Rashid and Umar Niaz Subject(s):
Initiation and Establishment of Agrometeorological Obesrvatory and Quantification of Weather at VCSG College of Horticulture, Bharsar Journal title: Indian Journal of Biology Authors: Ravi Kiran Subject(s):
Annual temperature profile of Thrissur: a climate change perspective Journal title: Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Authors: N.V. Jisha G. Girish Varma V.L. Gleeja A. Prasad V. Beena K. Karthiayini V. Sejian Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Agricultural Science