Veryfication of the ischemic pressure therapy in patients with myofascial pain syndrome using surface electromyography recordings Journal title: Issues of Rehabilitation, Orthopaedics, Neurophysiology and Sport Promotion-IRONS Authors: Adrianna Tarnowska Subject(s):
Assessment of the influence of ischemic compression and clavitherapy on compression pain threshold measured on the lumbar spine rectifier muscle Journal title: Medical Science Pulse Authors: Szymon WyszyĆski, Sylwia Stiler Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
Comparison between Effectiveness of Ischemic Compression and Muscle Energy Technique in Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points Journal title: Isra Medical Journal Authors: Mehak Hamna Zahra Gilani Subject(s):
Comparison of Post Isometric Relaxation technique and Ischemic Compression technique on upper trapezius trigger points in high school girls with non specific neck pain: Randomized Clinical Trial Journal title: International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research Authors: Surbhi Hindocha Subject(s):