ВЛИЯНИЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ВИБРАЦИЙ КОНСТРУКЦИИ И ПУЛЬСАЦИЙ ЖИДКОСТИ НА КОЭФФИЦИЕНТ УСИЛЕНИЯ ПИТАЮЩЕГО ТРУБОПРОВОДА Journal title: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология Authors: Юрий Жулай, Сергей Долгополов Subject(s):
Features of mathematical simulation of gas path dynamics in the problem of the stability of low-frequency processes in liquid-propellant rocket engines Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: N. Khoriak, S. Dolhopolov Subject(s):
Determination of the parameters of motion of the gas–liquid interface in the fuel tanks of launch vehicle space stages in passive portions of the flight Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: O. Nikolayev, I. Bashliy, N. Sviridenko Subject(s):
Сomputation of the pogo self-oscillation parameters in the dynamic "propulsion – rocket structure" system by using a 3d structural model Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: O. Nikolayev, I. Bashliy, N. Khoryak Subject(s):
Solution of current problems in the dynamics of hydromechanical and vibration protection systems Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: O. Pylypenko, N. Dovgotko Subject(s):