The Problems of the Dream in Mexico Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
Depression: From Sorrow to Melancholia Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
“The Current Problem of Oral Health Due to Improper Tooth Brushing in the State of Mexico” Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: María Elena Villaseñor Martínez Subject(s):
Nursing's Role in End of Life Discussions Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Heidi Mason Subject(s):
Identification of Factors Affecting Mother-Infant Bonding in Advanced Maternal Age Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Esma Gulturk, Oznur Korukcu, Kamile Kukulu Subject(s):
To Examine the Relationship and Strength of Alcohol- Related Intimate Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Ekpenyong MS, Awa Uchechi, Nzute A Subject(s):
Self Medication- A Serious Threat to Society Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Mohammed A Subject(s):
Attitudes and Emotional Responses of the Nurses in Jordanian Public Hospitals toward Caring for Patients with Disabilities Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Maziad Abed Al Karim Al Adwan A Subject(s):
Community-Based Participatory Research for Nutrition and Health Programs in the Caribbean: Using the Delphi Process to Create Sustainable Outcomes Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Elizabeth D Wall-Bassett, Jacqueline Lancaster-Prevost Subject(s):
To Make People With Dementia Forget About Forgetting: Experiences from a Daily Care Center Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Oznur Korukcu, Kamile Kukulu, Ismail Tufan Subject(s):
Intervening Practices for Cyberbullying Prevention Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Gilberto Marzano, Joanna Lizut Subject(s):
Large Inverted Colonic Diverticulum (LICD) Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Hormati A, Ghadir MR, Sarkeshikian SS Subject(s):
Patient Satisfaction from Nursing Care in Private Tertiary Care Hospital Peshawar Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Muslim Shah, Atta Ullah, Pir Azhar Uddin, Waheed Khan, Razia Gul Subject(s):
Vampire Teeth: An Unusual Eruption Sequence of Deciduous Teeth Journal title: Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry Open Access Journal Authors: Siham Said Abdullah Al Shereiqi, Triveni Mohan Nalawade Subject(s):
Oral Status of Diabetic Children in Casablanca (Case- Control Study) Journal title: Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry Open Access Journal Authors: Benkirane L, Al Jalil Z, Najjar K, Lagouirah W, Bousfiha B Subject(s):