Pethidine Infiltration in Intra Fascial Layer After Abdominal Hysterectomy Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Raafat TA, Mostafa M Serry Subject(s):
Undetectable = Untransmissible: Unpacking HIV Risk and Transmission Concerns for Women Living With HIV Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Brent Allan, Jessica Whitbread, Mary Ann Torres Subject(s):
Somatic Mutations in Cancer-Free Individuals: A Liquid Biopsy Connection Journal title: Open Access Journal of Oncology and Medicine Authors: Andrew Ford, Charmaine Brown, Chen Hsiung Yeh Subject(s):
Perceived Effects of Development-Induced Displacement on Low-Income Households in Addis Ababa Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Abduselam Kemal Hussen, Belay Tefera Kibret Subject(s):
Why Should We Learn to Swim? Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
Addiction to Tobacco: A War That Begins to Win Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
Neurochemistry of Enamoramiento Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
Detaching: Now If the Good Goes Journal title: Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Authors: Gabriel Miranda Nava Subject(s):
Attitudes of Married Women with Advanced Maternal Age and their Spouses Towards Family Planning and Evaluation of the Effects of Trainings related to This Issue Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Gülcan Çiftçioğlu, Belkıs Karataş Subject(s):
Health Care Professionals’ Attitudes about Using Computer Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Ayşegül Koç, Mahmut Kılıç, Dilek Öztaş, Erdal Ceylan, Kamile Sılay Subject(s):
Exploring the Regulation of Task Sharing for Access to Family Planning Services in Uganda Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Subject(s):
The Impact of the Ageing Process on Taiwanese Elderly Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Chen Yuan Hsu Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Self-Enhancement Programme on Self-Esteem among Adolescents Residing at Selected Orphanages Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Bhuvaneshwari A, Valarmathi V, Vijayalakshm R, kanniammal C Subject(s):
Influence of a Patient’s Migration Background on the Nursing Care Process in a German Hospital Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Daniela Baum Subject(s):
Hapsburg Lip/Jaw and Vadoma Feet Show the Theoretical Possibility of the Emergence of the Different Skull, Lip and Nose Appearances From a Pristine Type Via Inbreeding Journal title: Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care Authors: Seun Ayoade Subject(s):