Prosthodontic management of mandibular deviation using palatal ramp appliance Journal title: Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences Authors: Prince Kumar| Department of Prosthodontics and ITS Dental College, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad 201 206, Ut... Subject(s): Biochemistry, Biophysics, Anatomy, Biomedical Engineering
Gingival Hemangiosarcoma of the Left Mandible in a Dog Journal title: Journal of Veterinary Science & Medicine Authors: Serafim A Papadimitriou Subject(s):
A rare case of oral carcinoma in a patient of paediatric age group Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain Authors: Mohd Athar, Anupama Singh, Sanjay Kala, Ashish chaudhary, Manoj Srivastava, Vardan Pandey Subject(s):
An Ingenious Modification in Conventional Swing Lock Cast Partial Denture for Rehabilitating A Hemi Mandibulectomy Defect Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Rupal Jaydip Shah, Sanjay Balaji Lagdive, Shraddha Lalit Saini, Vishal Bipinbihari Verma, Satyapraka... Subject(s):
Applicability of the CIELAB and CIEDE2000 Formulae for Detection of Colour Changes in Colour-Changeable Chewing Gum for Evaluating Masticatory Function Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Yesiboli Yeerken, Takafumi Otomaru, Mohamed Said, Na Li, Hisashi Taniguchi Subject(s):
Primary Intraosseous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Mandible with Distant Metastasis: A Case Report Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Sanae El Mourabit, MDS, Redallah Zrarqi MDS, Zahra Sayad, MDS, Salma Benazzou, MDS, PhD, Malik Boula... Subject(s):
Surgical resection with autologous microvascular reconstruction of the mandible conferring excellent cosmesis and prognosis in ameloblastoma Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain Authors: Harish Kumar H, Raghunandan G.C, Sunder Raj Ellur, Rakesh S Ramesh, Diviya K Kariappa Subject(s):
Rehabilitation with cast removable prosthesis in mandibulectomy: a viable treatment modality Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences Authors: Dr. Ashish Kalra Subject(s): Medicine, Health and Wellness
Rehabilitation of a Hemimandibulectomy Patient with an Overlay Denture: A Case Report Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Siva Prakash Dhanaraj, H Annapoorni Subject(s):
Importance of Early Prosthodontic Intervention with Guidance Appliance In a Hemimandibulectomy Patient: A Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Sonal Tholia Subject(s):
Submandibular Stones in Sudanese Patients Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES Authors: 1Dr. Yousif Mohammed Yousif, MBBS, M D, 2Dr. Esam Edin Bakhit, MBBS, Gezira, MD, SMSB, Subject(s):
Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Patient with Mandibular Resection using Overlay Prosthesis: A Case Report Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Vikram M Belkhode, Sharayu V Nimonkar, Aashika Agarwal, SR Godbole, Seema Sathe Subject(s):
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor Journal title: Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Jawad Kundi, Muhammad Ilyas, Salman Khan, Faryal Gul Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine