Co-operation between medical personnel, teachers, medical and social team and family for children and teenagers hospitalised with advanced cancer Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: J Binnebesel, P Krakowiak Subject(s):
Przegląd badań nad stygmatyzacją i dyskryminacją pacjentów z HIV/AIDS ze strony personelu medycznego – polskie doświadczenia na tle sytuacji na świecie Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Maciej Rogala, Tomasz Mach, Marek Motyka, Ewa Donesch-Jeżo Subject(s):
Survey of studies of stigmatization and discrimination of patients with HIV/AIDS by medical personnel – comparison of Polish experience with the global situation Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Maciej Rogala, Tomasz Mach, Marek Motyka, Ewa Donesch-Jeżo Subject(s):
Is physical activity of medical personnel a role model for their patients Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Elżbieta Biernat, Anna Poznańska, Antoni Gajewski Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
The analysis of opinions and attitudes of students of nursing with respect to the observance of patient’s rights in Poland Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Anna Kaczyńska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna... Subject(s):
Co-operation between medical personnel, teachers, medical and social team and family for children and teenagers hospitalised with advanced cancer Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: J. Binnebesel, P. Krakowiak Subject(s):
The territorial peculiarities of health system development of the Sumy region Journal title: Часопис соціально-економічної географії Authors: Olesya Kornus, Anatolіy Kornus, Volodymyr Shyschuk Subject(s):
Surgeries at rural hospital: From “Chekmate” to solutions Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Ajay D Subhedar, Shakuntala L Shelke, Sangita M Gavit Subject(s):
Did legal regulations change the reporting frequency of sharp injuries of medical personnel? Study from 36 hospitals in Łódź Province, Poland Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: Anna Garus-Pakowska, Mariusz Górajski, Franciszek Szatko Subject(s):
Conceptualising Educational Disparity in the Provision of Health Care Services in Cuba and Cameroon: Implications To Educational Administrators Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
The importance of e-learning in professional improvement of emergency nurses. Journal title: Critical Care Innovations Authors: Katarzyna Boczkowska, Paweł Bakalarski, Mazur Sviatoslav, PIOTR LESZCZYŃSKI Subject(s):
Knowledge, Awareness and Practices of Biomedical Waste Management Among Medical and Paramedical Personnel Journal title: IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research Authors: Deepakvengatesh R, Kanagapriya M, Sucilathangam G, Revathy C Subject(s):
Assessment of Loneliness and Bullying Among Medical and Nursing Personnel Journal title: International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Authors: Shilpi Dahiya Subject(s):
IN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Journal title: Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління Authors: V. I. Borshch, Joshi Sukhvitri Subject(s):
Evaluation of Awareness on Radiation Protection and Hazards among Paramedical Personnel Working in Radiology Department of a Teaching Hospital Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medicine surgery and Radiology Authors: Soujanya Mynalli, Basavaraj N Biradar, Ram Shenoy Bast, Anston Vernon Braggs Subject(s):