BONE MINERALISATION AND DENSITY IN THE POST-MENOPAUSAL EX-ATHLETES Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Anna Czeczuk, Barbara Raczyńska Subject(s):
MINERALIZACJA I GĘSTOŚĆ KOŚCI U BYŁYCH ZAWODNICZEK BĘDĄCYCH W OKRESIE POMENOPAUZALNYM Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Anna Czeczuk, Barbara Raczyńska Subject(s):
Analiza podstawowych właściwości chemicznych i fizycznych odwodnionych warstw torfowych i murszowych Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: MILENA TRUBA, RYSZARD OLESZCZUK Subject(s):
An analysis of some basic chemical and physical properties of drained fen peat and moorsh soil layers Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: MILENA TRUBA, RYSZARD OLESZCZUK Subject(s):
Molar incisor hypomineralisation – a case report Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Roksana Domańska, Agnieszka Kornet, Konrad Perkowski, Magdalena Marczyńska-Stolarek, Małgorzata Zadu... Subject(s):
Assessment of Enamel Remineralisation After Treatment with Four Different Remineralising Agents: A Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Renita Soares, Ida de Noronha de Ataide, Marina Fernandes, Rajan Lambor Subject(s):
Dissolution of carbon from coke and char in liquid Fe-C alloys Journal title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Authors: X. Xing, S. Jahanshahi, J. Yang, O. Ostrovski Subject(s):
Infiltration treatment of white spots lesions. A case report Journal title: Medicine in Evolution Authors: Subject(s):
Pattern and Presentaion of Molar Incisor Hypomineralizaion in Pakistani Children Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Inaam Ullah, Naghma Parveen, Raheela Shabbir Subject(s):
Ex vivo Evaluation of the Erosive Effect of Acid Tea Widely Consumed in Brazil Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Isadora Conde Ferreira Martins, Molise Rodrigues Fagundes, Hanny Reis Mockdeci, Cristine Bastos do A... Subject(s):
Role of Salivary Electrolytes in Prevalence of Dental Caries among Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Adults Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: UK Ambikathanaya, Usha Hegde, Tippeswamy ., Mohamad Ayas Subject(s):
Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization–A Review Journal title: Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences Authors: Malini V Subject(s):
Properties of a Tricalcium Silicate Based Sealer. Journal title: International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR) Authors: Dr Shazeena Qaiser Subject(s):