An Assessment of Dietary Practices of Reproductive Age Group Women based on Their Hb Status in Jamnagar City, Gujarat, India. Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews Authors: Rathod Mittal , Kaliya Mehul , Patel Nirmika , Parmar D.V. , Yadav Sudha Subject(s):
PREVALENCE OF ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY IN HOSPITAL BASED POPULATION IN BIJAPUR, KARNATAKA. Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Mohammed Arifulla, Patil A.M, Sajjanar B.B, Sayeed Yendigeri, Vivek Honakeri , Nasheen Fathima , Nid... Subject(s):
TO STUDY THE OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF BLOOD DYSCRASIAS IN PAEDIATRIC AGE GROUP Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Pramod Chhawania, Prashant Pipariya Subject(s):
TO STUDY THE INCIDENCE OF ANAEMIA AND IDENTIFY AS RISK FACTOR IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Periasamy , Umalakshmi , Arun Subject(s):
Iron Nutrition and Anaemia in Piglets: a Review Journal title: Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: I. Victor Subject(s):
Traumatic Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) with Dilutional Coagulopathy: A Near Miss Situation Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Deepti A. Vaidya , Savita Kadam , Lakshmi Rachkonda , Shubha A. Mande , Swati Shiradkar Subject(s):
Nitrobenzene Poisoning (A Case Report) Methhemoglobinemia Due to Nitrobenzene Ingestion (Paint Solvent, Oil of Mirbane) Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: 1Dr. Virendra Goyal , 2Dr. Narendra Rungta , 3Dr. Manish Munjal, 1Dr Virendra Goyal Subject(s):
Evaluation of effectiveness of intravenous iron sucrose in antenatal patients of iron deficiency anemia Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Manisha Parmar, Hemali Vaghela, Parul Shah, Rajal Thakkar, Kruti Deliiwala Subject(s):
Cytokine Expression in Homozygous Sickle Cell Anaemia Journal title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University Authors: Nnodim Johnkennedy , Meludu Samuel C , Dioka CE , Martin Ifeanyichukwu , UkaibeNkiru , Ihim Augustin... Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
ASSESSMENT OF UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD IRON AND TIBC LEVELS IN NEONATES OF ANAEMIC MOTHERS Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Durdana Sayeed, Ghouse Ali, Arshiya Osmani, Rohini N, Siddique Ahmed Khan Subject(s):
NUTRITIONAL ANAEMIA AMONG CURRENTLY MARRIED FEMALES IN THE REPRODUCTIVE AGE GROUP IN RURAL JAMMU. Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Vridhee Sharma, Bhavna Sahni, Jamwal D.S, Kuldeep Singh Subject(s):
A STUDY OF CLINICAL AND HAEMATOPATHOLOGICAL CORRELATION OF HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS IN CHILDREN Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Palaniappan , Booma Subject(s):
BIOLOGICAL VARIATION OF PLASMA FERRITIN IN HEALTHY ADULT MALES IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION - A SAMPLE STUDY Journal title: Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Authors: J.V. Gnanou1, S. Muthayya2 and A.V. Kurpad1 Subject(s):
A STUDY OF BREATHLESSNESS IN PREGNANT FEMALES IN A RURAL SETUP Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Amandeep Kaloti, Anoop , Chandrasekaran Subject(s):
A rare case of severe anemia with gestational thrombocytopenia Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Neha Bhatnagar, Archana Kumbhar Subject(s):