Investigation of forest area and density changes in Middle Zagros using aerial photos interpretation and GIS in the various distances of the village (a case study: Kakareza region, Lorestan province) Journal title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Authors: Arash Drikvand, Mehri Khosravi, Amir Ahmadi, Amin Haidarpoure Monfared Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology
Species richness, distribution, bioindication and ecology of epiphytic lichens in oak forests of Kroumiria, North West of Tunisia Journal title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Authors: Ridha El Mokni, Lamia Boutabia Ép. Telailia, Houcine Sebei, Mohamed Hédi El Aouni Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology
Inventory of wild service tree, Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz, in the Taczanów Forest Inspectorate Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria Authors: Maciej Duda, Adam Całka Subject(s):
The macromycetes of the downy oak forests from Moldova Journal title: Journal of Plant Development Authors: Ștefan MANIC Subject(s):
Oak Stands Affected by Polyporaceae and Their Viability in the South-West of the Central Russian Upland Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: A.V. Dunaev, S.V. Kalugina, E.N. Dunaeva, A.S. Korotkih, A.Yu. Kurskoy, M.A. Polshina Subject(s): Technology, Forestry