The Image of Women in Late Victorian Times: The Case of “The Mandrake Venus”, “A White Night” and “The City of Blood” Journal title: International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL) Authors: Mohamed Handour Subject(s):
Socio-Cultural and Ideological Preconditions of Gender Equality Journal title: Future Human Image Authors: Sviytlana Storozhuk, Ihor Goyan Subject(s):
Women in Unorganised Sector - A Case Study of Maid Servants in Ghaziabad City Journal title: JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND TRADE Authors: Dr. Pawan Kumar Subject(s):
THE END OF THE MATRIARCHAL SOCIETY Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Nurhan DEMİRHAN SERİNKEN Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Women Alone: The Problems and Challenges of Widows in India Journal title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: PRITHA DASGUPTA Subject(s):
THE ABSENT VOICE: JANE EYRE AND WIDE SARGASSO SEA Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Sezgi ÖZTOP HANER Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
OPPRESSOR, OPPRESSED AND GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Bülent Cercis TANRITANIR Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
THE PROBLEM OF GENDER EGUALITY IN PREMODERN TIMES Journal title: Науковий вісник НУБіП України. Серія: Гуманітарні студії Authors: І. Hordieieva Subject(s):
A CRITICAL STUDY OF INDIAN MIDDLE CLASS WOMEN BY MANJU KAPUR’S “HOME” Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: M. Arthi, Arul Theresa Subject(s):
PERCEPTION OF FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TOWARDS THEIR INHERITANCE RIGHTS Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Ravi Inder Kaur Subject(s):
THE NEW WOMAN AND HER DOOMED FATE IN THOMAS HARDY’S JUDE THE OBSCURE AND KATE CHOPIN’S THE AWAKENING Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Aparna Bhatt Subject(s):
SUBVERSION OF POWER IN ROMEO AND JULIET AND LAYLI AND MAJNOON Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Mahmoud DARAM Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
AGAINST SOCIETY: WOMEN’S LANGUAGE, BODY AND MADNESS IN WIDE SARGASSO SEA AND SULA Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Mesut GÜNENÇ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Emotional Identity: An Advantage or a Setback In context to Jane Austen Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education Authors: Swati Charan Subject(s):
Na bakier ze światem, czyli dlaczego Vedrana Rudan przeklina? Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Nauki Humanistyczne Authors: Monika Skrzeszewska Subject(s):