Education actions on hand hygiene as a strategy for patient safety: Experience report Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Educação e Saúde Authors: Elaine Cristina Bezerra Almeida, Antonio Neudimar Bastos Costa, Patricia Batista Rosa, Cristiano Ara... Subject(s):
Determinants of Prolonged Length of Stay in the Emergency Department; a Cross-sectional Study Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Elaboration of health care protocols as a strategy to promote patient safety Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Educação e Saúde Authors: Antonio Neudimar Bastos Costa, Elaine Cristina Bezerra Almeida, Tiago Sousa de Melo Subject(s):
Stillbirth prevalence in Brazil: an exploration of regional differences Journal title: Jornal de Pediatria Authors: Taiana Carvalho Subject(s):
Effectiveness of a measure program to prevent admission hypothermia in very low-birth weight preterm infants Journal title: Jornal de Pediatria Authors: Jamil Caldas Subject(s):
The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pediatric Trigger Toolkit is applicable to measure the occurrence of adverse drug events in Brazilian pediatric inpatients Journal title: Jornal de Pediatria Authors: Flavio Lopes Subject(s):
Brazilian adaptation and validation of the Empowerment of Parents in the Intensive Care-Neonatology (EMPATHIC-N) questionnaire Journal title: Jornal de Pediatria Authors: Dafne Gomez Subject(s):
TELEDENTISTRY: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Authors: Dr. Maroua Garma Subject(s):