Creating Modern Japanese Subjects: Morning Rituals from Norito to News and Weather Journal title: Religions Authors: Wilburn Hansen Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Role of Religion and Acculturation in the Consumer Ethnocentrism of Turkish Immigrants in Germany Journal title: Religions Authors: Nurdan Sevim, Elif Eroglu Hall and Hisham Motkal Abu-Rayya Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Charitable Sporting Events as a Context for Building Adolescent Generosity: Examining the Role of Religiousness and Spirituality Journal title: Religions Authors: Nathaniel A. Fernandez, Sarah A. Schnitker and Benjamin J. Houltberg Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Syncopated Beats and the History of Sadness: The Affective Fusion of Audience and Film through Music Journal title: Religions Authors: Kutter Callaway Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Impact of Religiosity on Tax Compliance among Turkish Self-Employed Taxpayers Journal title: Religions Authors: Serkan Benk, Tamer Budak, Bahadır Yüzbaşı and Raihana Mohdali Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Changing Landscape of Sacred Groves in Kerala (India): A Critical View on the Role of Religion in Nature Conservation Journal title: Religions Authors: Catrien Notermans, Albertina Nugteren and Suma Sunny Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
A Commentary on Michael King. “The Challenge of Research into Religion and Spirituality.” Journal for the Study of Spirituality 4 (2014): 106–20 Journal title: Religions Authors: Fiona Timmins, Sílvia Caldeira, Margaret Theresa Naughton, Sotirios Plakas and Harold G. Koenig Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Moral and Cultural Awareness in Emerging Adulthood: Preparing for Multi-Faith Workplaces Journal title: Religions Authors: Patricia Snell Herzog, De Andre’ T. Beadle, Daniel E. Harris, Tiffany E. Hood and Sanjana Venugopal Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Protocol of Taste and See: A Feasibility Study of a Church-Based, Healthy, Intuitive Eating Programme Journal title: Religions Authors: Deborah Lycett, Riya Patel, Anne Coufopoulos and Andy Turner Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Biobehavioral Examination of Religious Coping, Psychosocial Factors, and Executive Function in Homebound Older Adults Journal title: Religions Authors: Lisa Boss, Sandy Branson, Stanley Cron and Duck-Hee Kang Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Validity and Reliability of a Revised Scale of Attitude towards Buddhism (TSAB-R) Journal title: Religions Authors: Phra Nicholas Thanissaro Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Impact of Religious Affiliation on Ethical Values of Spanish Environmental Activists Journal title: Religions Authors: Emilio Chuvieco and Mario Burgui Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Climate Change, Politics and Religion: Australian Churchgoers’ Beliefs about Climate Change Journal title: Religions Authors: Miriam Pepper and Rosemary Leonard Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Transforming Adverse Cognition on the Path of Bhakti: Rule-Based Devotion, “My-Ness,” and the Existential Condition of Bondage Journal title: Religions Authors: Travis Chilcott Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Congregations and Social Services: An Update from the Third Wave of the National Congregations Study Journal title: Religions Authors: Mark Chaves and Alison J. Eagle Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion