Olfactory metaphors in the online environment Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Alina Țenescu Subject(s):
Scientific Hardships in the Approach of the Quantum Phenomena. A bridge-thinking for Science and Religion Journal title: Dialogo Authors: Cătălin Silviu Nuțu Subject(s):
Ambivalence of metaphorical thinking in the context of search for senses Journal title: Схід Authors: Ganna Stoyatska Subject(s):
A Study of Students- Teachers’ Perception Towards Quality in Primary Teacher Education Programme Journal title: Journal Global Values A Peer Reviewed International Journal Authors: Dr. Vinita vinita Subject(s):
AROMAS E SEGREDOS, UMA EXPERIÊNCIA NO MERCADO PÚBLICO DE PORTO ALEGRE/RS-BRASIL Journal title: Revista Competência Authors: Desirée Péres Müller Elimar Kröner Teixeira Subject(s): Education, Communication, Recreation and Leisure, Fashion, Management